Dear Sirs,
we would like to inform you that the latest issue of the journal of University of Applied Sciences in Racibórz Eunomia – Rozwój Zrównoważony – Sustainable Development No. 1(107)/2024 has been published.
The first chapter publishes the papers delivered at the Second Seminar of the scientific journal Eunomia – „Współczesny samorząd a organizacje pozarządowe”. Bilans – perspektywy – dylematy. Meanwhile, the rest of the issue is filled with articles on such topics as security, sociology, history, education and engineering sciences. Publications in foreign languages, dedicated – this time – to linguistics, have also become a permanent feature of our pages.
Scientific articles are published by employees of University of Applied Sciences in Racibórz, as well as scientists from many other universities. In the current issue you will find articles by dr Monika Porwoł – lecturer at the Institute of Neophilology, dr Tomasz Szwed – lecturer at the Institute of Educational Studies, dr Małgorzata Kuchta, dr Leszek Gomółka – lecturers at the Institute of Technology, dr Gabriela Habram-Rokosz, dr Magdalena Gogół-Peszke – lecturers at the Institute of Architecture, dr Henryk A. Kretek, dr Grzegorz Chrószcz – lecturers at the Institute of Social Studies, in addition, Prof. Gabriela Kapica, dr Michał Boczek, Stefan Krybus, Lili Yakovyshyn. We would like to draw special attention to the article Układ pomiarowy monitorujący parametry podczas lotu paralotnią, which is an excellent example of scientific cooperation on a project conducted by employees of the ANS Institute of Technology in Raciborz dr Małgorzata Kuchta, dr Leszek Gomółka and engineering student Sylwester Radziszewski.
Among the published articles, texts by students and employees of University of Applied Sciences in Racibórz deserve recognition:
- Damian Kowol, Monika Porwoł, Business communication: code-switching and linguistic assimilation in logistics & supply chain management (scm) jargon
- Sebastian Fus, Sztuka fotografii jako płaszczyzna zrównoważonej kultury wizualnej,
- Klaudia Furman, Victoria Kotterba, Victoria Kostrzewa, Strategiczne relacje Polski z mocarstwami światowymi w kontekście obrony narodowej – relacje z USA i Rosją,
- Victoria Kostrzewa, Victoria Kotterba, Klaudia Furman, Nikola Kogut, Siły Zbrojne Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej
- Victoria Kotterba, Victoria Kostrzewa, Klaudia Furman, Działania społeczne w sferze bezpieczeństwa: stan nadzwyczajny, stan wojenny w Polsce
- Victoria Kostrzewa, Powstanie warszawskie – 1944 r.
- Klaudia Furman, Bitwa pod Somosierrą 1808 r.
- Victoria Kotterba, Bitwa pod Wiedniem 1683 r.
- Wojciech Szczotok, Koncepcje nadczłowieka na przestrzeni lat
Eunomia is not only articles, you will also find many interesting reviews, such as the review by dr Joanna Kapica-Curzytek, on the book written by Piotr Sztompka – Kapitał społeczny. Teoria przestrzeni międzyludzkiej.
Putting into your hands the next issue of our semiannual, we wish you a fruitful and enjoyable reading, and at the same time encourage you to reach for the archival issues, which can be found at .
Link Eunomia – Rozwój Zrównoważony – Sustainable Development No. 1(107)/2024:
We also encourage you to cooperate with the periodical and publish on its pages.
Editors of the journal
Eunomia – Rozwój Zrównoważony – Sustainable Development